Friday, February 22, 2019

Week 26

We are back to a FULL WEEK of school this week and ending the month of February!
Spring break is around the corner!

This week we will conclude our reading/writing units and end POETRY!

We will work on the next 5 math lessons in Module 6!  The students are doing well with repeated addition and multiplication!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Week 25

I hope everyone enjoyed the extra long weekend with having OFF on President's Day!

This week we will begin MODULE 6 in our math book on MULTIPLICATION!
We will cover lessons 1-4 and take the PRE-TEST!

In writing we are still working on POETRY and we will soon begin learning about government in Social Studies!


Saturday, February 9, 2019

Week 24

Thank you, parents, for meeting with your child's teacher for conferences.  If you have any questions as we finish up the school year, please e-mail your child's teacher.

This week is a short week with having FRIDAY, Feb. 15th OFF and Monday, Feb. 18th OFF for President's Day!  

Valentine exchange/party planning is done separately for each homeroom.  It is up to the homeroom teacher and head room parent to plan parties that take place in class.

Valentine cards/treats may be brought to school on Thurs. Feb. 14th.  Please check class size with our homeroom teacher.

There will also be a Bullying assembly held in the afternoon of Feb. 14th.  


Monday, February 4, 2019

Week 23

This week will be "catch up" for some parent/teacher conferences!
Be sure to contact your teacher throughout the remainder of the year if you have questions!

Events that are coming up!
Valentine's Day Celebration in each homeroom on Feb. 14th!
Bullying assembly in the afternoon of Thurs., Feb. 14th
NO SHOOL on Friday, Feb. 15th
NO SCHOOL on Monday, Feb. 18th for President's Day!