Saturday, September 29, 2018

Week 7

Welcome to week 7!

This week we will be doing 5 lessons in math!  Be sure to take a look at the math tab located to the right to see the videos on measurement that show what we will be covering!

In grammar we have been working hard at learning what a "predicate" is in a sentence. We will continue to have kids identify what the subject and predicate look like.  We will also continue to work on letter writing.

In Science this week we will be taking a quiz for our MATTER unit.  After this week we will shift to Social Studies and begin learning about different communities. 

If you are a head room parent in your child's classroom, please contact your classroom teacher to begin preparations for the Halloween party!  Halloween is on a Wednesday this year so planning activities now will help the process go smoother!  Thank you for your support!

Have a great week!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Week 6

We are officially starting week 6 of second grade!  Time is flying! 

BAS testing in reading should be wrapping up this week! 
Also, we have an ASSEMBLY on Friday for Hispanic Heritage Month which will take place for grades K-2 from 9:00-9:45. 

Our FIRST PBIS store of the year will also be on Friday this week!  Students have been working hard to earn horse shoe hoorays so they may trade them in for prizes at the store!

Check the curriculum tabs to find out what we will be working on this week!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Week 5

Week 5:

Now that we are wrapping up the MAP test, we will continue to focus on providing students what they need in the classroom in terms of Reading and Math instruction!   The second grade team of teachers is in the process of making sure their groups are accurate as we look to begin WIN time!  (What I Need)

The MAP data will be shared with parents during parent/teacher conferences.  This data helps us to collect and break down helpful information for each and every student.

This week in terms of curriculum, we will finish up with lesson 8 in math and plan on taking the MODULE 1 math test this week.  Please check the math tab for more information and to view the video on Lesson 8.

Have a great week!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Week 4

Thank you for coming to Open House Night last week!  We hope you left with a better understanding of the material that is covered in second grade!

This week we will continue with MAP testing.  There will be NO HOMEWORK sent home the night before the test.  Please check the following schedule to see when your child will be taking the Reading test this week.

Here is when the following classes will be testing:
Armstrong/Jerkatis~ Wednesday Sept. 5th 8:15-9:45 then again on Wednesday, Sept. 12th 8:45-10:15.
Germanier/Mariani/MacFarlane~ Thursday, Sept. 6th 8:15-9:45 then again on Thurs. Sept. 13th 8:15-9:45.
*Please make sure your child has a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast beforehand.

In Math class we will cover Lessons 6 and 7.  The updated videos for these lessons are located on the math tab to the right.

Have a great week and let us know if you have any questions!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Week 3

WEEK 3 is already here!  
Don't forget to stop by school on Thursday, Sept. 6th at 6:00 p.m. for our

Presentations will begin in all second grade classrooms promptly at 6:10.  6:30-7:00 will be time for anyone to visit siblings classrooms.  :)

MAP testing begins this week! 
Here is when the following classes will be testing:
Armstrong/Jerkatis~ Wednesday Sept. 5th 8:15-9:45 then again on Monday, Sept. 12th 8:45-10:15.
Germanier/Mariani/MacFarlane~ Thursday, Sept. 6th 8:15-9:45 then again on Thurs. Sept. 13th 8:15-9:45.
*Please make sure your child has a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast beforehand.
We will be testing math first, then reading.

If anyone has MAP questions, (Measure of Academic Progress), click on the link to the right and you will see answers to specific questions.

This week we will continue with Reading and Writing Workshop Unit One routines.  In math we will continue with Module One lessons 4 and 5.  Please note, NO HOMEWORK will be given the night before your child takes the MAP test.  

Science has started and we began learning about MATTER!  Students will be introduced to Solids, Liquids, and Gases!