Sunday, April 28, 2019

Week 34


This week the second grade classes will begin our FINAL round of MAP testing!
Our times of testing are different for each class.  

Here is the schedule~
Thursday, May 2nd Germanier, Mariani, and MacFarlane classes will begin with Math.
Friday, May 3rd Jerkatis and Armstrong will test the math portion.

There is NO HOMEWORK the evening prior to the MAP test.  Please be sure your child gets a good nights rest and a tasty breakfast before coming to school on testing day.  😏

We will cover the following lessons in math... Lessons 21, 22, 24, and 25
(we are skipping lesson 23)

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Week 33

We hope everyone enjoyed the three day weekend!  
The countdown is 7 weeks left of school.  😏

This week we will begin our FINAL unit of Reading called, 
"Series Book Club!"  

In reading we will be looking at various books from a series.  If your child has any books he/she would like to bring in and share, please send them into school.

*In writing we will be "Writing About Reading!"This unit involves opinion writing.
*Math Module 7 will continue with 4 lessons this week!  

Also, this Friday, April 26,  second grade will be having an in-school field trip. Histories for Kids is coming to Mann School to perform "Tall Tales".  This program will feature wonderful tales from American history and literature.  We are looking forward to this performance.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Week 32

We are down to our FINAL 8 weeks of second grade!
It is hard to believe that this school year is coming to an end.

This week we have 4 days of school and will be OFF on Friday, April 19th.  Please plan accordingly.

We will finish our Reading/Writing units this week and will have a "mid-module" math test on Thursday, April 18th.  

The week of April 29th will begin our final MAP assessment.

Enjoy the week ahead!  :)

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Week 31

COGAT testing should be wrapping up for any classes that are not finished.  

This week we will continue with Module 7 in math on data, money, and time!  Please count coins with your child at home for practice.  Your child may come across these topics on the upcoming MAP test!  The MAP test will begin the week of April 29th and conclude the week of May 6.

Tuesday, April 9th,  students will be practicing bus safety with "Bus Evacuation Drills"

Also, on Friday, April 26  second grade will be having an in-school field trip. Histories for Kids is coming to Mann School to perform "Tall Tales".  This program will feature wonderful tales from American history and literature.  We are looking forward to this performance.

We will continue to work on research in reading and writing!  

Have a GREAT week ahead!